I'm running Inkscape 0.43 on Windows XP SP2
I have attempred to find whatever log file Inkscape might be writing, but can not find any such log files, so I do not know what is happening.
Is there a command line option that turns on logging relavent to extensions?
I am trying to write a custom SVG output filter. I started by making a copy of the svgz_output.inx extension.
My extension just does nott not appear in the Save As dialog.
I do have Perl installed. I use it for other purposes. It is in the PATH by default, so any application should be able to find it.
I have paired down my INX file to a very simple test:
<inkscape-extension> <name>Extension Test Output</name> <id>org.inkscape.output.test</id> <dependency type="extension">org.inkscape.output.svg.inkscape</dependency> <dependency type="executable">perl.exe</dependency> <output> <extension>.test</extension> <mimetype>text/x.test</mimetype> <filetypename>Extension Test(*.test)</filetypename> <filetypetooltip>Extension Test</filetypetooltip> <dataloss>FALSE</dataloss> </output> <script> <command reldir="path">perl -e "print join(' ',@ARGV)"</command> <helper_extension>org.inkscape.output.svg.inkscape</helper_extension> </script> </inkscape-extension>
Any idea why this isn't even appearing? Or at least how I can get usable error messages to help me find out?