On 2015-10-08 18:50 (+0200), Bernhard Kleine wrote:
I have some strange experience while copying:
I copied all the elements in a figure and lost the full node marks(?, Knotenmarkierung). This is hopefully not an intended behaviour. I never encountered it.
Select over all layers copy insert
and the arrows etc were gone. I can put them back but I find it strange and maybe a bug. The yellow background is one layer, the arrows are the next and text is the other.
Likely related to * Bug #1254762 “Markers lost after copy and paste” https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/1254762
but not possible to confirm based on a screenshot (Inkscape version is unknown, no source file is available which would allow consistent tests with stable Inkscape 0.91 r13725 and current development builds).
Regards, V