On Thu, 12 Aug 2004, George N. White III wrote:
On Sun, 8 Aug 2004, Adam Pearson wrote:
Showing my ignorance here, but what is the best way of obtaining a .jpg file from a .svg file done in Inkcape, while preserving transparencies and true colours? I am having a bit of a bother doing this - saving as .svg or .png then opening in Illustrator, Photoshop, Fireworks ... doesn't preserve the integrity of the original.
I want a .jpg for web use - not everyone can read .svg, can they? And .png files are rather large? Any comments will be very welcome ...
Jpeg is not appropriate for most SVG artwork -- until SVG or maybe JPEG2000 is better supported by viewers you will want to use PNG for web viewing. What specifically is lost when you convert to PNG?
The problem with JPEG is that compression is achieved by discarding high-frequency information. This will create artifacts around "edges", e.g., any abrupt transition.
Also, the default output of many png generators is not tweaked to minimize filesize as much as possible. If your goal with using jpg is filesize reduction, it can pay off to learn more about the standard png compression settings. :-)