Lars Behrens wrote:
on Dienstag, 5. April 2005 14:21 fretfind@...248... wrote:
What seems to be necessary when starting with a fresh preferences.xml is simply adding the 'show-effects-menu="1"' attribute to the group with 'id="extensions"' that is near the bottom of the file. You won't need to create a new group if one already exists.
No success. Just like you I backed up my old preferences.xml and let Inkscape create a new one. But after adding the attribute there is still no effects menu. Maybe ist's because you have the cvs version...
Well I guess you are right. I just took a look at the ChangeLog:
2005-02-22 Ted Gould <ted@...10...> * src/interface.cpp: Changing the effects menu to be driven by the preferences file so that the file can be the same whether or not the effects are shown.
2005-02-08 Ted Gould <ted@...10...> * Released 0.41
Sorry I could have sworn that my 0.41 release version showed the effects menu too.
Aaron Spike