On 11/13/2018 08:40 PM, brynn wrote:
Ooohh, so snap to center of object is meant to be used when the rotation center has been moved? Hhmm....
You might be right that this is the only use case. The real problem here is that the center of the object is not like the center of mass (which it should be), but merely the center of the bounding box. Because of this, it coincides with the default center of rotation.
"rotation origin" would be an improvement - not sure about solution, but definite improvement
For snap to center of object, could tooltip be "snap to center of object if rotation origin has been moved" ? It's a bit long, but much less confusing.
That would be too long for a tooltip, and equally confusing because of that. I also see some difficulties arising in translation to some languages. Multi-line tooltips should be avoided.
I don't suppose Inkscape can identify when the rotation center has been moved, and then fallback to snap to center? Too much ai?
This would be easy to implement, but I'm not sure if this helps in making Inkscape more accessible. It could end up being rather annoying if it's not clear to the user what is going on under the hood.
But as Maren has clarified, is the fact that you can't snap to the center of objects in a group, using snap to rotation center, a bug?
It was intended to be like this, but it might not have been the best solution. You could file a feature request for this though, requesting that also the rotation centers of the individual items in a group are snapped to.
I also just now discovered that you can only snap to the center of a text object using snap to rotation center. Snap to object will not snap to the center of text. Or the center of imported raster image either. Moving the rotation center has no effect. It still won't snap.
Should I make a bug report?
Yes, go ahead! That are bugs indeed, good catch!
Best regards,