On 14/06/2009, at 4:24 AM, JiHO wrote:
Also, I have packaged a universal version built with the native OS X GTK version (thus not requiring X11 at all). This includes and uses the gtk-quartz theme. It is marked as experimental and it is -- I already saw it crash a couple of times. This is probably more of interest to JiHo and myself to start thinking about modifications to the packaging and launching code. As such, I'm probably not too interested in feedback on this one yet.
woot! this is great. Even if feedback is not really necessary on this one, I just wanted to point how "experimental" it is currently:
- the rendering is slower than the X11 version, albeit better than
what I remember (this is probably purely a GTK problem, not an Inkscape one)
- menus do not show keyboard shortcuts
- menus do not display sub-menus e.g. Edit > Clone > Create Clone can
be found from the help menu search but the Edit > Clone menu item is not displayed
- keyboard shortcuts work with control. sometimes they work with
command... and sometimes they don't ;)
- alt based shortcuts don't work
yet this is a great milestone. There are issues but the take home message is that it compiles and can be packaged mostly correctly. We need to people to find all those small flaws to be able to discuss them with GTK folks (and the Gimp folks too, who probably hit the same problems a while ago already) and this experimental build will help people do that.
The easiest way to do this now is to install a second macport tree as per the instructions on our CompilingMacOsX wiki page then edit the / opt/local-native/etc/macports/variants.conf file to have the line: +universal +no_x11 +quartz
This will cause it to build all packages with the no_x11 and quartz variants if they exist. You probably also need to set alternate applications_dir and frameworks_dir variables in the /opt/local-native/etc/macports/ macports.conf file so that things don't clash with your standard macports tree.
Doing this means you no longer have to worry about having a mix of packages in the tree build with different variants, which certainly makes it much easier than it was before.
Cheers, Michael