Jon Cruz wrote:
On Jan 21, 2010, at 10:12 AM, Linda A. Walsh wrote:
Ideally, you want the dpi set to the dpi of your screen (whatever your screen resolution is, divided by #inches of your screen) for displaying things on your screen -- but printers usually use alot higher (like 300 dpi is common) resolution for printing.
As just a minor FYI here, I did a follow up on Inkscape's hardcoded DPI.
SVG 1.1 is based on CSS2, not CSS3, and it mentions a 90 DPI reference pixel.
Of course, Inkscape needs to have all the hardcoding removed, and to query the running *monitors* (note the plural) for their physical size.
---- A follow-up to youe follow-up.
An errata was posted in 2001. http://www.w3.org/Style/css2-updates/REC-CSS2-19980512-errata.html
Section 4.3.2 Lengths [2001-08-28] The suggested reference pixel is based on a 96 dpi device, not 90 dpi. The visual angle is thus about 0.0213 degrees instead of 0.0227, and a pixel at arm's length is about 0.26 mm instead of 0.28
-- I really had never heard of the 90dpi number, but CSS was just a TLA-buzzword to me before 2001. Maybe inkscape could update it's references? (Thanks to LucaDC who found the errata).