I quite frequently need to convert PDFs into something convenient to edit and SVG + Inkscape is the obvious choice. I use pstoedit with either the plot-svg output or the shareware svg output but in either case the output of converting a US letter file seems to be scaled down to 80% when opened in Inkscape. Of course the page can be dragged up to the correct size again but it would be better not to have to do this.
From the pstoedit developer:
"I did some investigations and it looks like this scaling issue is caused by different interpretations of the numbers in the SVG file. Somewhere I read that Inkscape has an internal factor of 0.8 "Inkscape pixels" per "Point". I have not found out yet, what pstoedit could generate so inkscape interpretes the numbers as Points (except maybe adding a pt to every coordinate - but that would blow up the SVG file a lot).
Is there anyone who can shed some light on this?