bulia byak <buliabyak@...155...> wrote:
Related to this, it seems that you can't have a grid size smaller than
For the work I would like to do on Inkscape I need to have a minor grid
size of
1mm (and ideally 0.5mm)
I have no problems setting it to 0.5mm. Can you give more details on your problem?
Problem resolved thank you. I didn't realise that the minor grid size would dissapear dependent on zoom factor. Seeing your comment made me experiment further.
The game was given away when I tried progressively reducing the grid size and moving the points of a drawn line while 'snap to grid' was on and set to the same size as the minor grid. Although the lines were invisible, the positioning still went in jumps.
By the purest co-incidence I had previously set a zoom size so that this happened with a grid size of 2.5mm. I use 2.54 (0.1in) quite a lot.