I don't know if this helps, but I have a bit of the same problem. For me it helps to use the big button with "T" to change font properties and select a font from there.

Maarten van der Velde



From: Ocetalo [mailto:zelus.et.radix@...2149....155...]
Sent: 2. november 2008 18:36
To: Inkscape User Community
Subject: Re: [Inkscape-user] Problem with fonts in 0.46

I still can't pick any font in the fonts' droplist. The only way I get a font applied is thru the XML Editor. Anyone's got a solution?

On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 2:29 PM, Ocetalo <zelus.et.radix@...155...> wrote:
I've got this issue: in the pull down font menu, I can't pick any fonts. The fonts are highlighted, but they're not applied and the pull down menu is not closed, jus as if I've not clicked. Please help.

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