bulia byak wrote:
On 10/23/07, microUgly <drworm@...2123...> wrote:
Did you consider a modifier key for opacity?
I don't want fill/stroke opacity to be too easily adjustable, for reasons we already discussed :) But for master opacity, I plan to try making the O: spinbutton similarly gestureable, though I'm not sure it will be possible as it's an editable field.
I have to go with microUgly here, a modifier for opacity would be really helpful to quickly adjust colors & gradient stops. I know that your opinion tends to be that color alpha/opacity and master opacity are redundant, but, to me it's one of the things I really like about SVG. It's especially useful in the context of having semi-transparent stops in a gradient and then being able to adjust the object level opacity on top of that. Just my 0.02...