Mon, 05 May 2008 15:53:06 +0200, Máté Salát wrote:
I have a bit of problem with TexText. I have an svg file generated with another application, I open it with Inkscape, I select Tex Text, I type my code, I press ok, but then there is no result displayed. If I open a new file in Inkscape I can create formulas with Tex Text, I can copy them to my svg image, than I can open it with Tex Text for reediting, but after pressing ok the copied formula disappears.
Did you have this issue? Could you check if it works the same way for you? You can find an example file here: http://zaradek.hu/TexText/Poligon.svg.
You don't have any layers in this picture. After creating a new layer, Textext starts working for me.
Why it doesn't work without layers is not very clear to me at this point...