On Sun, Dec 31, 2006 at 09:16:52PM +0000, Phil Hendry wrote:
...But I'm not sure - it may just be me not understanding how the package works.
I can create new layers (apparently - at least the dialog appears and I can type a new layer name in it), move stuff to other layers and that sort of thing, but I can't open up the layers dialog - CTRL- SHIFT-L does nothing at all as far as I can see.
Hmm, ctrl-shift-L launches the layers dialog just fine for me on Linux. You didn't mention what OS you're using; some people have reported problems with dialogs appearing behind the main window on some non-Linux platforms. Old versions of inkscape may have had some bugs here. But it's hard to say without knowing more details about your environment and what versions of things you're running.
Also, is there any way to lock the contents of a layer? If I go to Global Inkscape Preferences, I can check the 'Select only within current layer' box, but even if I then go to the layers menu and select 'Switch to layer above', the objects on the layer I've just moved from are still selectable.
There are two ways of doing this. One is with the layers dialog you're missing. The other is with a layer widget at the bottom of the screen; you should see an eyeball, a lock, and a dropdown with a list of layer names. Select the layer you want, and then click the lock.