Greetings! My name is Jason Brower and I have come up with an idea to create an avatar making program for linux. All the artwork is done in Inkscape and I was hoping to get some help from artists to make my program amazing! A video of our project in action... http://brower.homelinux.org/nifty.ogg Our Launchpad site where our alpha release of MeMaker is kept. http://launchpad.net/memaker/ Our Standards page that is being created to give artists an understanding of what we need(still being worked on). https://wiki.ubuntu.com/memaker I would love to help anyone get started adding artwork to this project. If you saw before we have a small amount to help everyone get an idea. But the truly clean artwork await for you to complete! :D Thanks for listening! If you want to become more involved drop me a line! Jason Brower PS: I have a special interest in this guy's icons and would love to have the sources or if he would like, he can submit his own theme set himself. :D http://alischan.deviantart.com/art/Icons-41190267