The problems probably that 0.42 is creating flowtexts which arent yet supported by adobe, theres an option on the text menu to convert to standard text objects, which should work, while retaining editabiliy. Havent got Inkscape handy atm so cant look to see what the exact name of the command is.
--- Paul Jensen <paul.jensen@...418...> wrote:
Hi Julio, I think the problem is to do with the text, did you convert it to a path object before you viewed it in IE? I think that you have to do this in order to get it to display in Adobe Viewer plugin. I think this problem also occurs in KDE's Konqueror browser.
On that subject, I want to make a feature request. A way to convert a path (that was originally text) back to text.
The logistics of it would be that when you make the conversion to path, the text data is saved in the svg document, as well as all the transformations to the path after it's converted. Then, with the path-to-text feature, you encode the path back into text, including the transformations (colour, size) and are then able to edit in the text editor.
Paul Jensen
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