Stuart Edwards schrieb:
Not sure that I fully understand your objective - but here's a csv file that contains ~3000 lines of data in 3 columns. Veusz plots the third column against the square root of the first. I then export the graphic from Veusz as an svg with editable text - also attached. The csv is 57KB and the svg is 186KB - so quite efficient. Opens in Inkscape without complaint for further tweaking if needed, and in any text editor for inspection of the code.
Thanks for you test and the attached files.
I looked at the SVG code. It is not what I'm thinking of.
Veusz uses the element "path" instead of the appropriate elements "line" and "polyline".
Further the code is full of redundant code.
E.G.: Styles are not declared centralized but decentralized.
The attached vsz file is only 1KB but must be in the same directory as the csv.
If you need further assistance, probably should move the discussion off this board as it's no longer an Inkscape issue.
Yes, I agree.
Kind regards, Andreas