On 1/29/07, Andrew Mellinger <andrew@...2091...> wrote:
I've been trying this with patterns and cloning and I have problems with bounding boxes. It looks like the tiling wants to tile base on bounding box, but the box is outside of the actual area by some amount like the size of miters, or lines or soemthing. i.e. The bounding box doesn't bound to the node points, but to the line. This makes it impossible (as far as I can tell) to make a pinstripe pattern.
So, does Freehand ignore stroke when displaying bounding box? We are thinking about providing this as an optional mode too, so if it does, it will be another reason to do so. The stroke-inclusive bbox is better for artistic uses and for newbies, but technical users seem to prefer a bbox without stroke.
Also, we don't have many Freehand users on this list, so I would really welcome any feedback you can give about Inkscape from the viewpoint of a Freehand user. What features are you missing the most? What UI elements you hate/love the most? etc.
As for your problem, in the clone tiler you can set any interval between clones, including a negative interval which can be set to negate the stroke width. Even simpler, you can temporarily remove stroke from the object, tile it, and then add stroke back to the original (all clones will be updated). With patterns, unfortunately there's currently no UI to set the positive/negative intervals between copies of the pattern - SVG allows this but we just didn't code it yet. But here, too, you can work around this by making a pattern out of an object without stroke, then opening the XML editor, going to svg:defs, then to the svg:pattern that you are using, then inside it select the object and, in its style attribute, change "stroke:none" to, for example, "stroke:black" and set the desired stroke-width. After that the pattern copies will be still aligned at their strokeless bboxes but they will now have strokes (overlapping at the pattern boundaries).
Hope this helps,