The 12th LinuxFest Northwest (linuxfestnorthwest.org) will be happening April 30th and May 1st in Bellingham, Washington. The "low stress Fest" attracts open source users from Portland to Vancouver, BC., as well as locals and internationally known presenters. It's free to attend the expo, the presentations and the Saturday evening after party.
There are already a couple of presentations about the graphics side of open source. A presentation on Inkscape would help round out this track. (For that matter, it would be nice to have presentations for newcomers and for people who are more familiar with SVG tools.) I'm posting a similar message in the Scribus mailing list.
If you are skilled with Inkscape and located in the area between Southern BC and Portland, would you please consider sharing your knowledge of Inkscape?
Register to present at linuxfestnorthwest.org. There's a big + Present button on the front page.
Thank you Carl