Brian Burger skrev:
On 1/11/08, Claus Cyrny <claus.cyrny@...22...> wrote:
I want to encourage everyone to start using SVGs for web design (wherever feasible),
I keep Inkscape open along with my HTML editor, and export to PNG as needed. I keep one large 'working palette' file in Inkscape per project, and take advantage of Inkscape's limitless canvas to spread things out and try new ideas with copies of other graphics.
I really like this 'scratchpad' way of working, it makes things so much easier than a GIMP/Photoshop one-image-per-file way of doing things.
Thanks for this tip, Brian!
I've really enjoyed looking at the sites mentioned in this thread so far, and want to encourage interested Inkscape designers to create a new "SVG technology preview"-button on their web sites, and then put up linked SVG-files. For the unfortunate - I'm talking about our IE7 friends here - you will need to advise them about Adobe's SVG viewer at http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/mainframed.html . In 1995-96 and later we learned by viewing source and we tried all sorts of wacky plugins, eventually a little something from a company called Macromedia Flash. Many sites back then had a litter of buttons for plugins needed for different parts of a single web page. If we make it, people will try. :-)
Cheers, Haakon