On Sun, 2004-09-26 at 04:33, Jasper van de Gronde wrote:
In summary: everything but user and relative units (relative units being percent, em, and ex) are useless in SVG, except for the purpose of setting document size.
I know this, but as far as I can tell InkScape almost exclusively uses user units anyway (except in the styles as far as I can tell, for line widths and so on), so why not do what you propose below?
In practice, the only way to do "real world units" in SVG is to set the document dimensions in some absolute real world unit, establish a viewBox, and then use nothing but user and relative units in the document proper.
Historical reasons, mostly. bulia and I have been moving things in this direction slowly, but neither of us have had time to devote to the wholesale rework necessary to get that implemented in one fell swoop.
I certainly wouldn't mind if someone jumped in and did it already.