On Friday 21 September 2007 10:39, Steve Litt wrote:
On Thursday 20 September 2007 21:19, frank gaude' wrote:
Steve Litt wrote:
Hi all,
Using RPM files found on pbone.net, I just installed a newer Inkscape. But when I do help->about_inkscape, it says it's 0.45, built Feb 6, 2007. Is that the latest stable Inkscape?
The last autopackage I installed is dated Sept 5, 2007. Lots of improvements, more speed than in Feb.
Thanks Frank,
I'll start downloading the autopackage right now.
I downloaded the autopackage from the Inkscape website (it took over an hour on my dialup) and installed it. This newest one is Inkscape 0.45.1 built March 20, 2007. For the time being I'll have to just use that.
Like the February 0.45, file->save_as->PDF creates a PDF with almost no pixellation, at any magnification, in Acroread. But that same PDF is horribly pixellated, at all magnifications, on any curves both geometric and text, in gv, xpdf and kpdf. Given that the audience for this drawing are corporate types presumably with Windows and Acrobat, I'll leave well enough alone, but it still concerns me that I can't produce a vector PDF that plays well on all available PDF viewers.
Steve Litt Author: Universal Troubleshooting Process books and courseware http://www.troubleshooters.com/