Hi there,
at first let me express how much I am impressed by Inkscape.
Since the 0.48 version (text upper/lower case at last!) Inkscape has grown into a viable alternative to Illustrator here. Thanks to the devs and all the others who contributed!
Maybe someone can help me with my Latex formula issue?
Using 0.48 with Linux Mint 9 (Isadora) when I render a formula, an info box pops up saying that the called script has given additional information to inkscape, no error had been thrown and the result might be unusable (sorry, dialogue in german so no literal citation), the message inside the box is "Segmentation fault". The formula gets rendered correctly though.
It's not a big thing, but having to click away that dialogue each time I render a formula in order to see the result is a bit annoying. I can find no log files, strace shows nothing of interest. So maybe someone can help me find the cause of the message or a way to suppress it.
Cheerz, Lars