On Sat, Apr 5, 2014 at 10:03 AM, Donn Ingle <donn.ingle@...155...> wrote:
I have tl;dr a bit, but it occurs to me that you need programatic control of a rather intricate visual layout. I would look into Cairo under Python control. You can then output images, pdfs or svgs as needed. You would have control over every last pixel and never have to touch a line of xml.
Thanks. I looked at the Cairo website and the examples it has. But that solution requires more programming skills than I have; I might as well spend the time I will need to learn here on understanding xml and the svg format, and then merge the xml/svg files together. ;)
I found something similar with batik, but it looks like that would require me to learn java, so thats not my best bet either. https://xmlgraphics.apache.org/batik/
John Smith.