On Sun, 02 Aug 2009 20:31:43 +0100 Jim Ford <jaford@...2359...> wrote:
I want to draw a series of concentric circles, of precise diameters.
If I draw a circle about a centre and then resize it, the centre shifts. How do I keep the centre fixed, please?
Hold both shift and control when resizing to (a) scale from the centre, and (b) scale proportionally (keep it circular).
You can also use Tile Clones, 1 row x 10 cols, -100% x-shift, -10% x and y scale. That makes a bunch (10) of concentric circles at once, line thickness may also diminish, but that's easy to fix.
Finally, if you want to make a set of concentric circles with different arbitrary diameters, it might just be easiest to make them without worrying about keeping them all centred, then select them all and centre them all by using the horizontal and vertical alignment tools. This assumes you might fare best if you key in the diameters, rather than trying to get an exact number with the mouse.
Cheers -Terry