14 Sep
14 Sep
12:57 a.m.
dose inkscape have a batch/command line mode?
what I want to do is: start a new A4 document import a SVG file rotate the object resize the object to fit on A4 page with 2 centimeter boarder save a new SVG file and save a hpgl file
-- tom_a_sparks "It's a nerdy thing I like to do" Please use ISO approved file formats excluding Office Open XML - http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html 3 x (x)Ubuntu 10.04, Amiga A1200 WB 3.1, UAE AF 2006 WB 3.X, Sam440 AOS 4.1.2 Roland DXY-1300 pen plotter, Cuttok DC330 cutter/pen plotter Wanted: RiscOS system, GEOS system (C64/C128), Atari ST, Apple Macintosh (68k/PPC only)