Hi Sean,
from what I see this isn't a bug. The checkerboard pattern you see in the Gimp is due to the gradient being partially transparent. If you make a new white layer, move it underneath the layer containing the gradient, and then merging the two layers, your gradient should be displayed just fine.
Btw, I personally don't import SVGs into the Gimp. I export the SVGs inside Inkscape to PNGs first, and then load the PNGs into the Gimp.
username132 wrote:
I followed the tutorial http://www.webschuur.com/publications/blogs/2007-01-09-fancy_rays_in_inkscap... here to make a nifty radial pattern in Inkscape but when it's opened in the GIMP, some of the stripes appear dark red instead of with their gradient. http://www.petaimg.com/uploads/1201457817.svg - This is a link to the SVG (you can open it in Inkscape or GIMP to see what I mean} http://www.petaimg.com/uploads/1201402880.jpg- This is a link to a screenshot of the GIMP with my file open
Is this a GIMP or Inkscape bug? The image displays correctly when opened in Firefox AND, interestingly, when I rotate the radial spokes around in Inkscape, save and open in GIMP, the dark part has moved as well. There's something about those particular radii.