On Mon, 28 Jun 2004, Arts Account wrote:
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 19:17:41 -0700 From: Arts Account <ramarts44@...7...> Reply-To: inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net To: inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: Re: [Inkscape-user] ANNOUNCE: Open Clip Art Library 0.04 Release
Hi Bryce,
Ummm, the gradients are not showing up. The PNG's are white and the gradients are not there!! That's quite a few files that are blank (118 files total!! :-( )!!
The gradient files are compatible with Jasc Web Draw. The files deliberately contain only a gradient _definition_, not a drawing that uses a gradient.
The inkscape developers should consider doing something special for files that contain only definitions of gradients/patterns/etc but do not contain anything else. I'd be interested to know if a current version of librsvg does anything clever in this situation. if it doesn't please let me know because I'll file a request, I'd like to be able to see useful thumbnails of the gradients in Nautilus.
I got the impression that Bryce got them to work somehow but I didn't ask about the specifics. They might not work with anything else.
Inkscape definately has some problems with the way Jasc WebDraw does gradients (but Adobe doesn't have problems with the same files) https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=899194&gro...
A secondary motive in creating the gradients was to encourage the Inkscape developers to improve gradient support.
Alan Horkan.