On Sun, 2008-03-30 at 21:29 +0100, A.J. Carter wrote:
Dear Inkscape User List,
A few months ago I wrote to the inkscape user list to ask about the possibility of adding some technical drawing features to your excellent application, and we had a great discussion about how useful snapping to nearest, endpoints, midpoints, intersections, quadrant, tangent, horizontal and vertical would be.
I recently noticed a similar posting [Maximilian Albert] on the 'devel' users list about adding similar features as part of a google soc 2008 project, and I wanted to say how useful I would find this, and hopefully a few people from before could write and add their support.
While I'm not a coder, I was hoping to add a couple of suggestions of my own as a user and avid fan:
I played around with grids and guides and I think snapping should be associated with the control/device/feature that they snap to, and not have an independent "snapping" control.