bulia byak wrote:
On 7/11/06, Jasper van de Gronde <th.v.d.gronde@...226...> wrote:
Could someone explain what's going on here?
No, unless you provide a sample file and detailed explanations, best of all in the form of a bug report.
Well, I had hoped someone would simply say "yeah, sure, of course the export to bitmap function has a slightly different output, ...", but I guess that's not the case. But before actually filing a bug report I would like to have it confirmed that it actually is a bug, as I can think of reasons why export to bitmap might produce different outputs (I could imagine some sort of caching is used for on-screen display for example, which might change the order in which the different objects are composited). Anyway, have a look at the following two images:
http://home.hccnet.nl/th.v.d.gronde/gradient-test-new.png http://home.hccnet.nl/th.v.d.gronde/gradient-test-screenshot.png
They both come from the same version of Inkscape (the modified one I just posted about in another e-mail, but 0.44 has the exact same issue) and show the same file on the same scale, yet the banding and coloring are slightly different.