Ulf Erikson wrote:
Arnout Standaert wrote:
- transparency is obviously present, but it doesn't correspond to the
original image.
This looks like bug 1511590 (PDF export omits opacity inherited from parent) http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1511590&gro...
I've got a fix for this in SVN, but it has showed negative side-effects in Bulia's tests.. (it doesn't work at all for him) Feel free to give it a try. Your image exports fine for me.
Just tried it with build 0607051709, exports fine indeed.
- the colors seem to be slightly off (too brownish with regards to the
original). Don't know if this is rendering related or caused by the export.
Hmm.. can't find it in the release notes, but it was mentioned from the beginning as a known issue. http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1472677&gro...
Svg and Pdf doesn't use the same colour space. You don't see it for all colours, but often enough to be annoying. I was about to add a simple approximation transform, but Inkscape is moving towards full colour management and ICC profiles. File an RFE if you wish.
Yes, sounds like the same issue. I won't file an RFE since it is a minor issue (at least to me), and time is better spent on full colour management indeed.
Regards, and thanks for the information,