Hey people, Bulia, Gijsbert,
What _I_ would like to know is: how could you _restore_ any object, >most particulary a text-pbject, to the orignal aspect ratio (1:1) after you scaled it without ctrl and worked with it for a while? Especially for text it would be helpfull to be able to restore it to the original aspect ratio, while keeping other changes (such as rotation or color or ... )
Well, you should never use text in another aspect ratio as intended by the font desinger,... But anyway...,
Kind regards,
Right, that is exactly my problem. If often need to scale a number of objects, including text objects. For design reasons, it is easiest to scale all objects first, then select the text tool with the same objects selected, and then setting the ORIGINAL font size in the text tool bar.
And often, I need to scale the drawing as a whole in a non-aspect-ratio-keeping way. Because the original aspect ratio is not kept, it would indeed be extremely helpful to be able to restore text objects to the original aspect ratio. The way I do this now is going into the SVG file, but that is inconvenient.
One of the 'dangerous' things is that right now, text objects with the same font size can be of different sizes, depending on their set aspect ration in the 'transform scale(a,b)' part of the xml text object. The way to solve it is to take the 'transform etc' part out of the xml. Maybe one could write an EFFECT for this, or write a simple shell script.
I say that this is dangerous because I think it is a little bit counter intuitive that a text object with the same size can have different actual sizes. It is really easy for a user to get confused. For example, if you have two text objects that APPEAR to be the same given their font size, as shown in the tool bar, there is no way to tell which one is in the original font aspect ratio and which one is in the non 1:1 aspect ratio (unless you look at the transformation part in the xml, I guess).
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