13 Jul
13 Jul
5:23 p.m.
From file conversion I have the following code in my svg:
<circle sodipodi:ry="0.01009" sodipodi:rx="0.01009" sodipodi:cy="-20.87945" sodipodi:cx="101.33645" id="villages1_B_Chaloen_Suk" cx="101.33645" cy="-20.87945" r="0.01009" transform="translate(0,1052.39)" />
this sodipodi cx/cy describes the real coordinates of my point. Can I switch in inkscape somehow to this sodipodi coordinate system?
And a second question: can I somehow define named transformations? When I have several Objects selected by hand I can transform them all at once (with the mouse). I cant mark several objects in the XML-Editor at a time.
Thanks Wolfgang