Hello again, well, i made some changes: i tried to follow suggestions about text colors and changed to a delicate ivory the pink ones , i've changed most of the purple titles and links to a vivid fucsia to avoid darkness in older monitor too. Honestly i can't tell you if this is an improvement but maybe i just need to get used to.
I followed nicu suggestion about image size, this is what i've done: now the limit is at 1600x1600px, we had some problems with php timeout, but the hosting provider "diciannove" is our friend and they fixed right away. Nothing changed apparently but if you have a big screen you'll surely notice that the "test" image i posted takes all the screen window. I could use a landscape image to make it clearly visible, but what happens now is that if you have a 1600px wide monitor and you'll see the image (a 1600px wide image, clicking on the thumbnails or on the image in the full node view too) you will have the entire screen filled by the image powered by jquery thickbox.
Pretty cool... ;-)
Please give me feedback about the colour scheme changes, at this point you're the jury. :-) Da.