I like the idea, however personally I find most of the sites linked above as fairly Messy, I do like the redesign points blenderguru lists it does look nice. Also I personally like the simple sites such as http://www.pixelmator.com/ etc.even sites such as ubuntu are decent and clean. I think the issue is the current site was created awhile ago and from there the project has evolved and of course more stuff has been added, so it's full the brim and things got lost, we need a new design that'll fit all our stuff and allow for a nice backend as well. I do like the idea of pointing out sites we like and asking for mockups similar with inkscape integration
Ian Caldwell

On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 7:02 PM, Josh Andler <scislac@...155...> wrote:
Hey All,

I had seen a well done comparison of the Blender website with the
alternative commercial tools websites by Andrew Price. I was putting
together a similar comparison for vector apps but the websites vary a
bit more and reading what he had done is sufficient enough for people
to get the point. I think that his analysis is just as valid for
Inkscape's website too. Visit
http://www.blenderguru.com/the-big-issues/ and do a quick search for
"marketing" and scroll down just a little to see what his observations
were. At this point I have to say that we should really follow a
similar approach for our redesign too. Following are the links to a
few commercial alternatives in the vector editor category, to compare
their sites to ours.


My main observation? 3D software is marketed much more nicely and I
actually think we should approach the redesign in a similar way.
Realistically I think we can be a bit more playful with the design,
but we should have something that communicates what inkscape is and
what it's capable of in a better way for non-existing users.

What are other people's thoughts? If most people think the "similar to
3d apps websites" approach is good, I will post something to
deviantart requesting designs there too.


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