Brett McCoy schrieb:
Ted Gould wrote:
In the directory with the Inkscape preferences.xml file, there is a file that is called extension-errors.log. (There is no way you could have known this, don't feel bad) In there it lists the issues with the extensions that are being loaded, and what they need.
EPS is kinda a hack, you'll need ghostscript, pstoedit and sketch to be able to get the EPS import working. I'm not sure if anyone has all of these working on Windows though... convince your boss to use Debian ;)
Hmmm... I've got all of these installed now but still can't get the EPS import to work... not a big deal, it's the export that is more crucial anyway...
This problem is about the inkscape\share\extensions\eps_input.inx file.
it looks for a "gs" in your path: <dependency type="executable">gs</dependency>
In order to have this done you need to have ghostscript in your PATH. add "C:\program files\gs\gs8.51\bin" to PATH and rename gs into gswin32c.exe in the inx file
Adib. ---