On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 12:42 AM, JiHO <jo.lists@...155...> wrote:
On 2009-March-18 , at 22:56 , matt@...1296... wrote:
So, is there a way to "tell" the resulting pdf to use my gigantic 2400 x 1575 pixel png but fit it in an 8 x 5.25 inch document?
what OS are you using?
I think you would be better off doing the PNG->PDF part outside of Inkscape. Isn't Gimp able to output PDFs? Otherwise the convert command of ImageMagick surely does and you can control everything (resolution, size) from there.
In SVN, you don't need all that. Just export PDF and the filters will be rasterized automatically, at a settable resolution.
However, a superior solution would be to make bitmap copies of your blurred objects and to export the resulting file as PDF. This way only the blurs are bitmaps and the rest is still scalable vectors. This is what devel versions of Inkscape do. The "make bitmap copy" command does bitmaps at 90 dpi though, so you need to scale everything up so that, when you scale it down, the bitmap is 300 or 600 dpi.
The resolution for "make bitmap copy" is also settable in prefs, in the Bitmaps tab.