PilarPP wrote:
Hello, I have a problem with extensions in Ubuntu. I am compiling the source in ubuntu because I would like to do a modification. The problem is that I add my files .inx and .py in the directory /inkscape-0.45.1/share/extensions/ but when I open inkscape I can't see them. It works fine in windows, I don't know if I must do something else in order to it works out in Ubuntu.
Thanks for your help.
In Ubuntu (and I think most Linux) there are two directories for extensions, one personal, one public.
personal: ~/.inkscape/extensions/ public: /usr/local/share/inkscape/extensions/
Files in your personal directory will only be seen by you. Those in the public, by everyone who logs into your machine. Similar for your palettes.
You can link your Inkscape palettes directory to the GIMP one by:
ln -s ~/.gimp-2.2/palettes ~/.inkscape/palettes
Note that the file cannot exist before you do this. Replace gimp-2.2 with your version.