On Thursday 13 July 2006 16:40, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
On Thu, 2006-07-13 at 15:15 -0400, John R. Culleton wrote:
After (prematurely) suggesting a pdf version I discovered there is one, at the following url: http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/MANUAL/src/inkscape.pdf
This will be a lot more useful to me since I like to put all significant software manuals in three ring binders.
Thanks to Tav for the effort!
Actually, that was unintentional. The pdf version is not up to date. It also has some formatting errors.
I had a publisher accept the book but they backed out without explanation a few weeks later. Rather than continue to look for a new publisher, my thinking at this point is to provide the possibility to download a pdf file or have a book printed through Lulu.com. The advantage of this is that the book will probably be cheaper. The disadvantage is that there won't be professional editing or formatting of the book. Nor will it be promoted as a true publisher would.
I am thinking about making the book available in the following formats:
Download (A4) $5-$10 Download (US Letter) $5-$10 Black and White book (A4): $16-$20 Color book (A4): $48-$52
You'll notice that the color version is much more than the black and white. This is due to the much greater cost of printing color (15 cents a page vs. 2 cents a page). Any thoughts on this?
I will leave the pdf file where it is for a few days while I mull over the possibilities.
Oops! I thought the pdf version was for download.
As it happens I have good contacts in the publishing industry (see my sig block.) If you like I can shop around for a printer. Usually people go to Asia for color printing at a reasonable price. But that means committing to a run of around 2,000 copies.
I also have my own imprint and can act as a publisher. But no publisher will do much about marketing your book. Your audience is right here on this mailing list. I am sure most on the list would want to buy the book if the price can be brought down. Let me see what I can come up with. I am sure I can beat $0.15/page. That is a copy shop price.
I downloaded the pdf and am trying to print it out. But even on my black and white laser printer it is slow going. Apparently the illustrations are high density and are clogging up the process.
How did you prepare the pdf exactly? I note that there are xml files involved. What steps, using what software, were involved in your authoring process?
Best wishes,