On 2007-April-16 , at 14:32 , Donn wrote:
effects > modify path > color markers to match stroke it may deserve a FAQ indeed (if there is not one already, I did not check)
Cool - oddball, but cool.
Yes, this is just a workaround now. Is there someone investigating the possibility to do it more easily? Bryce I think I remember you talked about this quite some time ago.
I cannot find it in the FAQ, so that would be helpfull.
I added a FAQ in the English FAQ. Should I notice someone so that it gets translated? http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/ FAQ#How_do_I_change_the_color_of_markers_.28e.g._arrow_ends.29.3F It is very sparse, it would be nice if someone knowledgeable could expand a little on why markers are currently black and what is necessary to have them working properly.
JiHO --- http://jo.irisson.free.fr/