I've been using Inkscape for Help Desk for years. I'm not sure I'm who you had in mind though. :-)



Christopher B. Wright (wrightc@...537...)


On Wednesday, February 13, 2013 12:10:40 PM Phil Shapiro wrote:

Hi Inkscape fans,

   I've been having fun exploring the use of Inkscape on a 27-inch LCD monitor -- with 2560 x 1440 pixels.

Here are two explanatory screencasts I made.



          Here in the United States the price of 2560 x 1440 monitors is dropping substantially.  Starting
next month you can buy a 27-inch LCD monitor for $390 from monoprice.com


          I'm curious to hear if there are any Inkscape cartoonists here on this list.

It might be fun to try creating a BluRay video (using OpenShot) with still graphics
created in Inkscape.

               phil shapiro
              washington dc


Phil Shapiro, pshapiro@...2324...

"Wisdom begins with wonder." - Socrates
"Learning happens thru gentleness."