so if i'm understanding you correctly, inkscape uses the srgb IEC 61966-2-1 (1999-10) color space.  for me, this is excellent.  it removes the doubt about how a file would look printed on an ink jet printer (how close to the screen rendering it would be).

now about rendering intent, is it perceptual, relative colorimetric or absolute colorimetric?  this information would help with the use of scribus and svg files, although scribus will convert the svg to cmyk when set for out put for a printer (commercial).

i do some web design and i've been looking to switch to svg for graphics because of the flexibility of the format for sizing graphics and quality, etc..  the color profile information you have given me is much important to my end result.


On 2/19/07, Jon A. Cruz <jon@...204...> wrote:

On Feb 18, 2007, at 8:07 PM, Dwain Alford wrote:

> i have been wondering lately, does inkscape use the srgb
> iec61966-2.1 color space?  although it's not the best for
> commercial cmyk printing (there are other open source tolls to
> convert it), it's the cat's meow on an inkjet printer.

By default Inkscape just uses raw RGB values doing straight math on
those. SVG defines that the RGB values should be interpreted as sRGB,
but nothing extra is done there. But as more support is added in
Inkscape, color interpolation will still be using the sRGB
colorspace. (That's usually minor, but is significant for some users)

SVG 1.1 down in it's Appendix K lists this for sRGB.
     IEC 61966-2-1 (1999-10) - "Multimedia systems and equipment -
Colour measurement and management - Part 2-1: Colour management -
Default RGB colour space - sRGB", ISBN: 2-8318-4989-6  ICS codes:
33.160.60, 37.080  TC 100  51 pp.

Inkscape added ICC profile support for embedded images with 0.44.
That is, if you have an ICC profile specified and attached to some
<image>, then that profile will be taken as the source for a
conversion to sRGB for internal use.

Later additions will allow for ICC color specification for fills and
strokes and such, and then also for a display preview profile.

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dwain alford
p.o. box 145
winfield, alabama  35594

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