Hi Todd,

Sometime it just takes time. Even experienced users might faces problems using Inkscape from time to time. It's normal.

Just be patient and keep us posted of your progress!


--Victor Westmann

2017-06-06 15:56 GMT-07:00 ToddAndMargo <ToddAndMargo@...3218...>:
On 06/06/2017 02:48 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:
Hi All,

I am trying to draw a no parking sign.  A
red circle with width (donut) with a red slash
through it.  The I will add text of
choice ("No Crabby Bosses", etc.).

I guess w

So far I can draw a solid circle, but I
only want the circle to have width.

How do I do this?

Many thanks,

I just found the "X" in fill and strokes.  So I am on my way now.

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