Dear all
I've just installed inkscape (Inkscape 0.45.1 (Sep 20 2007))at a kubuntu machine and I am evaluating the graph annotation capabilities of the program using latex. I have also installed: pstoedit: version 3.44, python 2.5.1, PyXML-0.8.4, ghostscript 8.61 latex --version pdfTeX using libpoppler 3.141592-1.40.3-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.6)
I am trying make a graph with a simple latex math symbol. Using Effects->Render->LatexFormula and then $\pi$, (\pi) or [\pi] the program freezes up and in a terminal using top I can see that a gs process is taking almost the 100% of the CPU. After some time I should kill the gs and inkscape processes because nothing happens.
What am i doing wrong? Are there any system configuration I am missing? Are there any evident bits that I missunderstood? If I am missing something obvious, please bear with me because this is my first try to inkscape.
Another concern I have is the use of inkscape in windows because I am starting a documentation project with a colleague that uses windows. I would like to know if the drawing annotation capabilities using latex are fully cross platforms. I mean if the via Effects->Render->LatexFormula works the same way at windows.
Thank you very much for any help Best regards