On Wed, 01 Apr 2009 23:10:44 +0200, Andreas Neumann <a.neumann@...2251...> wrote:
Thanks a lot - this seems like an excellent start now to start cleaning up the code. So I think it is time now hand it over from the Inkscape designers to the SVG coders ;-)
I will have a look at it.
What was the original font you used in Inkscape? Free Sans? I see that "Bitstream Vera Sans" is used in the document. Is this the intended font?
I will create a SVG font once I know the intended font. This would make it render fine in Batik/Opera/Safari/ASV but will fail in Firefox. For Firefox we need a close alternative font that can be picked instead of the Free Sans/Bitsteram Vera Sans.
Picking an alternative font is probably ok, if it's fine to have some minor differences.
Another option would be to use <switch>:
<switch> <g requiredFeatures="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Font"> <text>...</text> </g> <g> <!-- path equivalents --> <path .../> </g> </switch>
I think it's not much harder than selecting the text in Inkscape and choosing "convert to path". Downside is that it bloats the file a bit.
In terms of the featureset I think "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/feature/1.2/#Font" is more a accurate description of what's actually supported in viewers at the moment, Opera does report support for both of these, but I don't think the others do.
If the 'requiredFonts' attribute was widely supported that could have been another nice way of dealing with this.
Yet another way would be to use CSS @font-face to link to the truetype font directly. Though that would only cover the very latest browser releases.
Cheers /Erik