On 9/20/06, roland donat <roland.donat@...155...> wrote:
I noticed that when I am exporting a figure in PDF format, the result is pretty dirty. All the contours are bigger than in my original figure. As a consequence, the text and every lines are deformed.
To read the pdf, I try xpdf, acroread 7, acrobat reader 6.0 (win) and the result is always the same. However, when I use gpdf (a very simple pdf viewver), the rendering is correct. Unfortunately, my figure aims to be use in a beamer presentation which will be read with acrobat reader...
This sounds like you have antialiasing turned off. Turn it on in Acrobat prefs and it might help. If at least one application show it properly, this means it's most likely with the PDF viewing applications, not with Inkscape's PDF.