Em Sáb 22 Jul 2006 19:16, Ludi Maciel escreveu:
Em Sex 21 Jul 2006 22:24, sunil joshi escreveu:
From: Ludi Maciel <iludi@...668...> Subject: Re: [Inkscape-user] Inksamples To: Inkscape User Community inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net Message-ID: <200607191808.28333.iludi@...668...> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Em Qua 19 Jul 2006 17:38, Ludi Maciel escreveu:
-- Ludi.
Ludi, this is wonderful stuff. You should put some tutorials together for some of us inkscape naive people!
Firstly, I would like to put that file in the Inkscape Wiki but I'm getting a 'Precondition Failed' message when I try to access the Wiki. Is it a know issue?
I got it. My ISP (actually the telecom company, but it doesn't matter anyway) is using a transparent proxy server now and I didn't know that. That's the reason.
Thank you.