Adib Taraben wrote:
Werner van Staden schrieb:
I upgraded to 0.44 (using svn) for the enhanced transparency handling but - altho' I do get vector graphics retaining their transparency when saving to PDF - I am now losing all .png .jpg and bitmaps. They don't show up at all.
The new PDF exporter writes PDF directly while the earlier PDF exporter actually wrote postscript files that where converted to PDF files. This limited the resulting PDF to features available in PS (no transparency, for instance), but being new and immature the new PDF exporter miss several features the old PS->PDF conversion had; such as text objects and embedded bitmaps.
The plan with including the new PDF exporter in 0.44 was/is to have a Google student extend/rewrite it (or maybe just use it as a study object and later abandon it) and finally make Inkscape export PDF files by use of Cairo.
Bugs filed today on dash-patterns, miter-limits and transparency will directly help the next PDF exporter.
This is a known limitation :-(
Maybe these are a more accurate links:
You can always use the old route and go SVG->PS->PDF if you need images. Simply re-activate the old ps2pdf.inx extension you are back with the same PDF exporter is 0.43.
There is a patch available that does pdf export via cairo library.
Err.. bug-fixes to the current PDF exporter are not picked-up?