due to my Ubuntu upgrade yesterday, I'm actually not sure if my last post made it to the list, so here it is again.
Here's a link to my latest attempt at using Inkscape for photo retouching:
For me, this is better than mere bitmap editing, due to the necessity to edit larger areas, where the clone brush doesn't work so well. The keys of the technique I used here are a) that the inserted vector shapes are slightly blurred, b) that they are semi-transparent, in order to blend better with the rest of the image.
My work flow:
a) Importing the photograph into Inkscape (as a PNG or TIFF). b) Drawing the vector shapes.This implies single-color fills as well as linear gradients where necessary.(Shapes where 'Stroke' is disabled are more flexible for retouching.) c) 'Select All'. d) Exporting the final image for fine-tuning into Gimp, CinePaint, Krita, or whatever (I'm working under Ubuntu Linux). e) Fine-tuning, final adjustment of color levels, advanced Unsharp Mask.