Le Jeudi 8 Septembre 2005 11:25, manouchk a écrit :
is it possible/supported to import ps in inkscape?
I'm trying to import ps from inkscape, it does not work here. I use mandriva and version of inkscape inkscape-0.42-0.1.102mdk. Is there any bug fixes related to this in version 0.42.2. Is it possible to read directly the changelog of inkscape for different version?
it seems to run pstoedit that isn't not able to convert from ps to svg (I tried on the command line.
When tenting the importation it gives a popup window with this message :
pstoedit: version 3.40 / DLL interface 108 (build Mar 19 2005 - release build) : Copyright (C) 1993 - 2005 Wolfgang Glunz Warning: some types of raster images in the input file cannot be converted if the output is sent to standard output
and then it says that there is an error :
/usr/share/inkscape/extensions/sk2svg.sh: line 9: /home/manu/tmp/tmp.zNhkh10874/sk2svg10872.svg: No such file or directory
(probably because the svg file was not created)
(By the way to convert from ps to svg I'm using right now pstoedit to convert to .sk and then load the .sk file in skconvert and export to svg, a bit unpractical!!)