I am not a visual person.
I am not a designer, not a drawer, not a painter, not a photographer.
I'm a man of words, really, if I need to be creative, it's words.
Having said that, can I sue you for the time I've lost playing with Inkscape? No? Goddamnit.
It's wonderful. Intuitive. The 'everything should be keyboard accessible' philosophy rocks. It has everything.
Yesterday I tried, to amuse myself, making a mockup panelling for a comic that I'm working on with a visual artist (you guessed it - I mostly do the words :P).. it's incredible how painful proper layout with CSS can be. As these things go, 'to amuse myself' turned into a holy crusade and I would not rest until I could churn out professional layout mockups by the dozen. So I got Inkscape.
The next 2 hours were spent rotating and resizing stars and occasionally saying 'wow'. I shake my angry fist at you all.
Now I don't ONLY write here to stroke all of your egos. I have a little problem. Actually I feel ashamed to ask, because I'm sure newbies have stumbled over this a hundred times, but I could find nothing in either the archives nor the Wiki, so I'll ask here and add it to the archives:
When exporting my wonderful drawing, I get a certain problem: First couple of attempts, all was black in the png. Now, after making a somewhat more complex .svg, PART of it shows up in the export. Please refer to http://ubermutant.de/~bringa/page1.svg (16k). In this mockup, only the mocked magazine cover on the right hand side shows up in an export. (I needn't mention that you shouldn't look at the content.. this is a mock-up only :P). If anyone could clear this up for me, that'd be great. One could also have some sort of Usage-related FAQ in the Wiki, and this would be a good first item to start with, I think.